I've always been a superstitious person and what some would like to call "sensitive" when it comes to the supernatural. My DVR is set to record Most Haunted, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures and any other paranormal show I come across. As I watch them (and yes, even I agree that some of their findings are a bit
fake) I get excited at the evidence they capture on film or audio. Skeptics will shoot it down and have another explanation for it, while people like me appreciate and accept their findings as proof. I could ramble on and on about the things I've seen and witnessed until I was blue in the face but I guess you would have to be there to truly believe me.
Every house I've lived in has been haunted. I can remember being 4 years old and experiencing ghostly activity that could make a great reality show these days. Unfortunately in 1984, reality t.v was watching the news. For starters, there were 3 different spirits that we could identify. The man was a violent ghost. He would slap my mother, move things around and laugh maniacally in thin air, but oh so close. There was also a woman who would scream as if she was being tortured or murdered. My step brother assumed my step-dad was knockin' my mom around and came flying down the stairs to intervene, only to see them relaxing on the couch watching tv. After a few more flights down the stairs, and my parents beginning to think he was crazy, they too finally heard the womans ghastly screams. The other spirit we found was a dog. Yup, a dog. I don't remember this, but my mom said that my step brother and I would complain of hearing a dog scratching and whimpering in the wall that seperated our rooms. My only vivid memories of this house was the woman's face that would appear on the wall when I'd shine a particular flashlight. Even at 4 years old I knew that it wasn't just the light from the flashlight. I can close my eyes and still picture her face. It was calming to me. I was never frightened.
Then there was my Dad's house. Built in the 1800's, it was passed down from generation to generation, finally landing in my Dad's hands. When I was 13 was when I started to notice the paranormal activity going on. They say that when one starts to reach puberty, they are more able to tap into their 6th sense, thus the allowance of witnessing paranormal activity. This doesn't mean that EVERYONE can achieve this, but mostly those who have an open mind, like me. I remember seeing the ghostly figure of a very old woman in a hospital gown in the basement, just staring at me while I rode this old exercising bike with my headphones on. If I could have peddled that bike up the stairs when I saw her, I would have! My aunt was visiting at the time and I could barely catch my breath when I tried to explain to her what it is I saw. She asked me to show her where I saw her at, so I bravely ventured back down to the basement and showed her. She just chuckled and said "That was your Great Grandmother. She was standing next to her fruit cellar which is where she spent most of her time here." One night my cousin spent the night and we set up a tape recorder in the basement to capture any noises. Replaying the tape the next morning was exciting once we heard the faint cries of a woman, some footsteps and a couple of other unexplained noises.
The house I'm in now is haunted for sure. All of my friends have told me at one point or another that they get an uncomfortable feeling in the hallway, which is funny since that's where everyone seems to see the shadows of someone standing there. By this point in life, I've had a couple of legit ghost hunts under my belt. On one of them I took something home with me (which you should never ever do!!) and brought a spirit home as well. Being that this item came from the prison, I had assumed that it was an inmate that was once there. Now he was in my home! AAAAAH!! the item I had was under my bed now mind you. The bed would start to shake, we'd see indentations at the foot of the bed as if someone had sat down. Squiggly rays of light would appear and dart off in different directions. Then there was the foul odor of rotten eggs, shit and a drunk nights worth of vomit all rolled into one that would appear and go away all of a sudden. Finally I had enough and threw the item away. The spirit left with it in the garbage. I'm sure he's wandering around the Portage County Waste facility now.
So, now the present. The reasoning behind this blog. The past few weeks I've actually heard a spirit say "Hello". It sounded like an older woman. It was never frightening, but more of a friendly tone. Today my dogs were freaking out which is totally normal if someone is outside, or an animal. But they shut up right away. I noticed my cat, Jack, standing in the hallway with all of his hair standing up, intently stairing down the hallway. At that point I heard this woman say "Hello" clear as can be. This time I grabbed my camera and started to snap some pictures. When I uploaded them to the computer, I noticed that in both pictures there were orbs. Now this where you say "It's just dust". I would have to agree with you, but there was one orb in particular that seemed to move. I've posted both pictures below for you to see. Look at the one on the beige rug. It's pretty bright. In the 2nd picture, the same orb seems to move up closer on the floor towards the living room. Look and discuss, folks!
Click Pics To Enlarge
If you have any ghost stories of your own, email them to me. One day I'd like to start posting weekly ghost blogs. If you have pictures and would like me to post them, send those as well.