I'd be lying if I said I was excited for Platinum Dunes' remake of Wes Craven's 1984 classic A Nightmare On Elm Street. Most of you know that it IS my all time favorite movie. It's so much of a favorite that I've dedicated one wall in my bedroom to anything Nightmare related. With the horror genre being dominated by remakes lately, it was only a matter of time before someone would remake A Nightmare On Elm Street. That time has come.
Below you will find pics of the teaser poster for the remake, as well as a very darkly lit Jackie Earl Haley posing as the infamous Freddy Krueger, once played by legend Robert Englund. I think it's a good thing they're not showing his face right now. Giving too much away with the release so far off ( April 30th, 2010) would diminish the scariness of the Boogeyman in our dreams. Let me know what you think. Feel free to leave comments under this posting or to the right of the screen.
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